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Посвящен лекарственным травам, нетрадиционной медицине, медицине вообще.
Но можно поговорить и о чем-то другом. Например, о сайтах ru.gg
Или о литературе. Botanic doctor forum - RWpwaEXAm lSZdLmnBGDnoxisgL (Гость)
| | Wow! That's a really neat asnwer! | | | | XPnAgbZbZogDAzC (Гость)
| | That's going to make tinhgs a lot easier from here on out. | | | | biSJzRzB (Гость)
| | I could show you some American hospitals that are in much worse condition then these pictures show. Of course I do#&;8217nt want ot get into any of them to take pictures because I’m scared of getting TB or some other airborne illness. |
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